November 13, 2008

  • “I Am There Inside Your Heart”

    I Am There Inside Your Heart

    Right now I’m in a different place,
    And though we seem apart,
    I’m closer than I ever was…
    I’m there inside your heart.

    I’m with you when you greet each day
    And while the sun shines bright
    I’m there to share the sunsets, too…
    I’m with you every night.

    I’m with you when the times are good,
    To share a laugh or two,
    And if a tear should start to fall…
    I’ll still be there for you.

    And when that day arrives
    That we no longer are apart
    I’ll smile and hold you close to me…
    Forever in my heart.

    In loving memory of this woman’s son, Bob. 
    3/30/85  -  11/13/05

    blue candle

November 3, 2008

  • It’s Raining, It’s Pouring……..

    Howdy Ho Folks – Well, fall has arrived.  It showed up at the end of last week.  Thankfully trick or treating evening was rain-free.  But when I left for work on Friday morning it was raining and do you think I could find an umbrella ANYWHERE?  Nope and I am the queen of umbrellas.  I bought some beautiful umbrellas (from for Christopher’s memorial because it is so scorching hot at the end of August.  I also have other umbrellas that I brought to the memorial:

    Denise Ashley umbrellas

    Ashley Leslie umbrella

    Chris Jessica umbrella

    Jessica umbrella

    Leslie umbrella

    Matthew umbrella

    Of course all I had to do was search in the back of my car and I found an umbrella!  I LOVE the black/rose umbrellas that I bought for the memorial.  I bought an umbrella stand to put them in (I will only use them for the memorial):


    I took care of Abbie and Emily all weekend so their parents could go to the Army Ball.  Since it was raining yesterday we just stayed home.  I actually made beef stroganoff on Friday night and spaghetti on Saturday night.  The girls loved the spaghetti!  They had no idea that I snuck some zucchini in it!

    Last weekend I visited with my Goddaughter Taylor and her parents.  Taylor’s mommy Kathryn and I took photos of Taylor for this year’s Christmas card.  Here are some photos from the “shoot”:




    There is a water fountain in the neighborhood that Taylor loves to play in.  I loved how she picked up her dress so she could play in the water:


    My favorite picture:

    E Taylor

    We went to a Halloween carnival at Taylor’s school.  Taylor decided to wear her witch hat to the event.  Hey, if the hat fits……

    F Taylor Witch

    Last, but not least . . . . . . . I thought this picture was cute of Taylor and Kathryn’s crocs:

    G Shoes

    That would be it for me.  It’s time to hit the sack and hope that Charlie and Chili let me sleep one hour later and not wake me up at 4:00 a.m. to go take care of business.

    Have a GREAT Monday everyone and be sure to hug your families!!


October 31, 2008

  • From a Compassionate Friends newsletter that I received today:


    Holidays . . . Perfect Time to Remember Those Who Are Grieving

    By Lori Haacke

    TCF, Billings, Montana

    When a child, sibling, or grandchild has died, friends, relatives, and neighbors may not know how to show the family they careand that they remember.  This article not only helps guide those who do not know how to help the newly bereaved, but also what they can do when the holidays arrive to show they care.

    As the holidays approach, many of us will be thinking of and sending greetings to many of our relatives, close friends, and neighbors.  But what do you say to the family that lost a child this year?

    It is always hard to know what to say if someone you know has experienced a death in the family.  It is especially hard to talk to parents who have lost a child, or a sibling who is mourning the loss of a brother or sister, or a grandparent mourning a grandchild.  When you are in this situation and you’re uncertain what to say or do, the following suggestions may help.

    When a family experiences a death, call or send a card expressing your sympathy.  This simple gesture shows your support and acknowledges their loss.

    Expressing your feelings like, “I’m sorry to hear of your loss,” or “I’m thinking of you in your time of sorrow,” or even, “Losing a child (or sibling) must be so devastating, I am very sorry,” will mean a lot to a grieving parent or sibling.  It helps to know that other people recognize their loss.

    Remarks to parents such as, “Maybe you can have another child,” or “It’s probably for the best,” are rude and insensitive.  What bereaved parents want most is for their child to be remembered.  Don’t be afraid to talk to parents about their children.  Most parents long for someone to talk with about their child.  Perhaps you have a special memory or a funny story to share with them.  Some people may feel uncomfortable talking to a parent about the child who has died.  If you are one of those people, maybe you could offer to listen.  It doesn’t cost anything and it’s really easy.  When parents can’t talk about their child to other people, they feel isolated and robbed of their right to speak openly about the existence of their child.

    Sometimes parents (or siblings) cry when you speak of the child who has died.  You shouldn’t feel responsible.  They’re not crying because you have hurt them.  They are crying because their child or sibling has died.  And did you know that crying is a part of healing?

    When remembering those parents whose child died some time ago, don’t make the mistake of thinking that it has been “long enough” or that they should “be over it” by now.  It usually takes a few years for parents to get used to their new way of life without their child.  This is not to say that someday they will be “all better” and things will be “back to normal”.  Their lives have been literally torn apart.  They will never be the same.  Grief has no time limit.

    It is important to parents when we remember their child’s birthday and the death anniversary.  This is another opportunity to show your support.  Let the parents know that you remember and are thinking of them by sending a card or flowers, or by making a donation or dedication in their child’s name.  The holidays may be especially hard for some families.  When sending a greeting card include a special notation, “remembering (child’s or sibling’s name).”  Send a plant or a flower (an iris or poinsettia) at Easter or Christmas.  Any gesture, no matter how small, shows that you are thinking of them and that you care.

    It doesn’t take much to show someone who has lost a child or a sibling, no matter at what age, that you do care.  Your act of kindness will make a difference to those who are grieving.


    I miss and love you Christopher – <sigh>




October 30, 2008

  • Sweet Sixteen

    BooProfile BooBoo BooBrowneyes 

    Happy Happy Birthday to my little man Chili! 
    Chili is 16 years old today!!

    Can you see Chili in the photo below?!


    My babies Chili & Mandy:

      12-11 My Babies

    “He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
    You are his life, his love, his leader.
    He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
    You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”

    My Babes 12-2

October 28, 2008

  • A Little Ditty

    Sung to the tune of “If I Had A Hammer”

    If I had a camera - antique camera

    I’d take pictures at my birthday dinner:  IMG_6016 IMG_6036

    I’d take pictures of babies,IMG_6007 IMG_6026a IMG_6028a

    All over the table………IMG_6032 IMG_6009

    I’d take pictures of friends, IMG_6011 IMG_6013

    I’d take pictures of family,IMG_6019 IMG_6031a

    I’d take pictures of the love between

    My brothers and my sisters, IMG_6027a IMG_6021a

    All, all over the land…….IMG_5998

    Now then, who has this song stuck in their head??


October 24, 2008

  • Is it JUST me?

    Again, starting out another entry with saying, “Is anyone else having problems with Xanga?”  Since my birthday I have tried to write a THANK YOU entry but for some reason my Xanga page has Russian writing on it.  Now mind you, I don’t quite understand Russian just yet.

    I’m on my break so I’m writing a very quick THANK YOU ALL for my birthday greetings!  BIG THANKS to Bonnie who wrote the most special entry.  She always thinks about her friends and their special days.  What a sweetie!

    I had a wonderful birthday. The afternoon was quiet as the bosses were out of the office.  In the evening we (Family/Friends) went out to dinner at the Red Lobster.  I had salmon and shrimp scampi.   YUM YUM!  There was 21 of us there and it was very noisy!  I felt bad for the other customers that were there!

    My coworker Jen sent me a birthday cake!  It arrived yesterday.  Check it out:

    IMG_6050  IMG_6049

    It came in a cake box and it is SO BEAUTIFUL and guess what?  NO CALORIES!

    Now then, break is over – THANKS again for being part of one of my best birthdays ever!!  You all have a GREAT weekend and be sure to hug your families!!!  Hopefully I will be back next week with a proper photo entry!



October 20, 2008

  • Solvang

    Anyone else having problems with Xanga today (besides me)?  Frustrating to say the least.  DOH!

    Here we go with my photos from Solvang.  Here is a little bit about Solvang, borrowed from

    Solvang is a city in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The city of Solvang is one of the communities that make up the Santa Ynez Valley. The population was 5,332 at the 2000 census.

    Solvang was founded in 1911 on 9,000 acres (36 km²) of formerly Spanish land by a group of Danish educators. The settlers of this city left for the west to escape midwestern winters. The city is home to some bakeries, restaurants, and merchants offering a taste of Denmark in California. The architecture of many of the buildings follows traditional Danish style. There is a copy of the famous Little Mermaid statue from Copenhagen, as well as one featuring the bust of famed Danish fable writer Hans Christian Andersen. A replica of the Copenhagen observatory Rundetårn in the scale 1:3 was finished in 1991 and can be seen in the city centre.

    Basically we can drive four hours south of SJ and can be in a quaint Danish town!

    Here are a couple of the many windmills you can find in town:

    IMG_5889  IMG_5882 

    Some Danish buildings (all new buildings have to be built in this style):

    IMG_5899 IMG_5897 IMG_5905

    Here is a store that sold beer steins:


    These two horses took us on a tour of the town (the gal was our tour guide.  She was from Mexico!):


    Since I work in the gas department, I had to take a photo of this old gas lamp:


    Here was a very cool way to use an old banister:


    Not sure how many of you remember Brianna’s former roommate that used their apartment for her personal canvas and painted just about every wall in their apartment, then took off and left Brianna high and dry with rent and cleaning up the apartment?  You can read my Xanga entry here but GUESS WHO I ran into in Solvang?  Yep, THAT roommate.  It was interesting seeing her there:


    For dinner that evening we went to an Indian casino that was right outside of town.  When we paid for our dinner the cashier asked us if we had a VIP card for the casino.  Of course we didn’t so the gal told us if we went downstairs after dinner and signed up for the VIP card, we could get $5.00 back in spending $$ for the casino along with an additional $50 (for the casino).  Who could beat that deal?  The only thing was we had to spend the $$ there in the casino and PUT UP WITH THE NASTY CIGARETTE SMOKE.  <blech>  So Denise and I signed up for the card and we received the spending $$ (on the card) and the deal was when we came back to the casino (another day), we would receive 50 more big ones!!  We played the dollar slot machines and each time I received a jackpot (small ones), I pressed the button to receive the $$ instead of putting it back into the machine.  That evening I was able to leave with $42 FREE $$!  Denise and I decided to go back to the casino the next morning before leaving town to get our other $50 to spend at the casino and I brought home $32 FREE MONEY!  So total, I won $84!  Cool, eh?  The casino is banking on people putting that money back into the slots (or tables) along with MORE money but we aren’t gamblers so they lost money on us!

    Before leaving Solvang we stopped at a Danish bakery so Denise could bring some goodies home to her family:


    IMG_5935 IMG_5934

    IMG_5933 IMG_5932

    IMG_5931 IMG_5929

    IMG_5930 IMG_5928

    IMG_5927 IMG_5925

    IMG_5924 IMG_5923

    OK, line up – Single file lines please.  I’ll be taking orders now!

    That was my trip to Solvang.  It was nice to get out of town with Denise as we have not gone ANYWHERE alone, just the two of us since she before she got married (21+ years).

    I hope you all enjoyed this trip with me!  It’s time to take my meds, take the kids outside to take care of business and watch the movie, “Guess Who’s Coming For Dinner” now!  Have a wonderful Tuesday and be sure to hug your families!




    I hope you all had a great weekend.  HEY, any weekend away from work is great, right? 

    Back to sharing photos from last weekends getaway.

    Before we got to the town of Solvang (our final destination), we stopped at Pismo Beach so Denise could take over driving.  Of course you know me, I had snap a few pictures:

    IMG_5790  IMG_5792  IMG_5788

    We ate lunch at Pea Soup Andersen’s.  Eww….I can’t stand pea soup but Denise had some.  Obviously, this place is famous for its pea soup.  Right next door to the restaurant was this old motel.  I first thought it was closed because it looked abandoned but it was still opened for business.  I LOVE the old sign:

    IMG_5798 IMG_5799

    Before checking into our hotel we stopped at Mission Santa Ynes which is also located in Solvang.  The first photo below is Fr. Junipero Serra.  He was a Franciscan friar that founded the missions in CA.


    We then took a tour of the mission and garden.

    Here was a VERY OLD carved cedar chest (looks like a coffin):


    A very cute miniature of the mission:


    IMG_5833 IMG_5837

    I left one of Christopher’s cards at the shrine:


    The mission bells:

    IMG_5844  IMG_5845

    An interesting gravesite:


    Wisteria Lane – Can you imagine how beautiful it would have been if it was in bloom?


    I believe this is St. Francis:


    The altar inside the mission:

    IMG_5868 IMG_5869

    The balcony:


    The aisle is SOOOOOOO long:


    IMG_5874 IMG_5873 

    View from the parking lot of the mission:


    More photos from the garden:

    Here is a pepper tree:


    IMG_5829 IMG_5827 IMG_5853

    IMG_5854 IMG_5857

    H*LY MOLY, who knew this picture post would be so large?  Tomorrow I will post the photos from Solvang.  You lovers of sweets are going to love that one.  I took a lot of pics from a bakery Denise and I went to!

    Have a wonderful Monday and you all be sure to hug your families. 

October 16, 2008

  • Where Has The Week Gone?!

    I’m not complaining but DAYUM!  Tomorrow is THURSDAY already!  Wahoo! 

    I had a good time on my weekend getaway.  On Saturday I took Pierce, Peyton, Jessica, Matthew, Nayeli, Abbie and Emily to a community “Day in the Park” and a pumpkin patch that was right across the street from the community gig.  Three of my coworkers were there with along with different clubs, organizations, medical peoples, etc. passing out info about their companies and little goodies for the children.  We went to kill time before going to the pumpkin patch.

    Here are some photos from Saturday:

    SJPD helicopter:


    Matthew was very intrigued with brushing the stuffed animals choppers:


    I loved the gigantic toothbrush:

    IMG_5725 IMG_5730

    IMG_5729 IMG_5726

    Here are the children in an ambulance:


    Onto the pumpkin patch.  Mind you, we don’t go to buy a pumpkin….no way, they are too expensive there.  I take the children to go in the 10+ bouncy houses.  Nayeli has been asking me for MONTHS when we were going to go again.  I bought the children matching orange shirts so I could keep track of them.  Jennifer and Wendy joined us too, thankfully!

    Can you say, “DOGPILE”!!!


    “The Gang”:


    The girls:


    I love Emily’s hair in pigtails:


    This is my ALLTIME favorite pic of Peyton.  Nothing but pure joy on his face:


    Mother Goose and her goslings:


    That was my Saturday.  We had a good time and we have to wait one more year to do it all over again!  I’m sure Nayeli will be asking me soon when we will be going again!

    Now then, I will be by later to visit your sites.  Have a wonderful Thursday.

    OMG!  I almost forgot to share this with all of you!  I just ordered tickets to go to Ellen Degeneres show in Burbank, CA.  I signed up to get tix for the November 10th show.  I have to wait for a phone call to see if I got the tix.  YEAH!  I’ll keep you all informed.

    OH yes, I did take Chili to the Vet yesterday.  I had to cancel Friday’s appointment because the doctor wasn’t going to be in.  Chili has gained TWO ounces (better then losing ounces, right?) in two weeks.  The doctor put him on some meds for arthritis in his back legs and also something called Novifit.  It is to help Chili with his cognitive functions.  He is often confused and just stands in once place for a while and he is also going poo in the house.  So the doctor thought that medicine would help my little man.  We shall see.  <sigh>

    Charlie is doing well!  He gets along really well with EVERYONE - furry and human.  Nayeli came over yesterday and she was playing with Charlie for a few minutes and when she left Charlie started crying. 

    Here is a photo of my babies that I took when I was leaving my house on Sunday for my two day getaway:


    It’s time for me let the babies out to take care of business for the night then I am going to hit the sack.  Again, have a GREAT Thursday!  Be sure to hug your families.


October 14, 2008

  • Hola’ Folks!

    Happy Hump Day!  I returned yesterday from my little getaway.  I was pooped and just wanted to relax but when I got home there was a guy working on my house.  Grr…no rest for me.  THEN, the guy that was working here had his father here too and he constantly leaves the door open.  I was keeping Charlie on my bed but the little bugger jumped off the bed and escaped from my house.  Grrr again.  Thankfully the guy that was working here helped me catch Charlie.  The little man (Charlie, not the worker) can sure run fast too.  Grr for the 3rd time.
